28 February 2014


Vocab 13 test
review of ACT in some way -- diff for all classes

3rd: hw for grammar
8th: hw for grammar

24 February 2014

Trumpets flourish!

ACT in 8 days!!!
Vocab thru D or E, depending on hour
grammar: take it's / its quiz
relearn who/whom
take quiz, depending on hour.

vocab test on Thursday for 1, 5, 8
Wednesday for 3rd

20 February 2014


3, 5, 8
Timed writing 3 -- the test
Vocab A - ?

vocab A & B
Review timed writing 2
take its/it's quiz

13 February 2014


Vocab 12 test
Vocab 13 words
review 18.1 notes: subjects and predicates
Get grammar packet. Complete ex. 1 1-10 on first page for hw.

12 February 2014

3rd only -- B day

Vocab 12 test
Reading practice
vocab 13 words

11 February 2014

Read it!

1, 5, 8
Reading practice -- 35 min, 40 questions
Vocab E -- or story

hw: test 12 Thursday

PLAN practice
if did hw: extra credit opp to write a story or study words
if did not do hw: DO IT!

hw: test 12 Thursday

10 February 2014

It was a Monday...

Timed writing 2
Vocab C & D
hw: 1st hour -- finish thru D for tomo.

07 February 2014

B day -- 3rd only

3rd only -- vocab c & D
Grammar -- hw correct, begin p.29

05 February 2014

Clue phone calling!

Vocab 12 words, defs, clues
ACT writing == continue notes, look at solid intros

04 February 2014

3rd hr

Vocab 12 words/ clues
ACT writing ~~ new prompt ~~ make outline for timed writing

03 February 2014

A Day -- full week prediction!

Vocab 11 test
Words, week 12
ACT writing -- starting to outline good essays and get ready to take #2 timed writing

hw: none, unless didn't finish with week 12 words