20 December 2012


Exam -- vocab, etc.

Get ready for holidays

17 December 2012

quizlet and speechlet

Finish speeches in 2nd
time to study -- quizlet for vocab

EXAM NOW THURSDAY -- it the world ends on Friday, at least you'll have proven how much you've learned...

13 December 2012

Speeches continue...

Get REVIEW SHEET for final exam -- FRIDAY NEXT!!!!!!
Start working on this. Vocab test tomo

12 December 2012

speeches begin!

Vocab ex 1 & 3

Speeches -- 6 in 2nd hour, 6 in 4th

expecting tomo:


11 December 2012


Vocab 13 and such
Speeches -- computer lab time-- STARTS tomo!!! Dress up if it's your day to perform

hw: FINAL EXAM next Friday, before Christmas break. Find all the vocab on the Quizlet site.

07 December 2012


Vocab 12 test
Franken test -- bubbles, map, short answers

Speech handout -- see link to the right!

hw: work on organizing speech

Powerpoint: 3 minimum slides

06 December 2012


collect hw from 23-24
Vocab sentences -- in pairs, turn in
no grammar
Frankenwrap up -- pics, quotes (2) from ch 23-24
review map for test

tests tomo: vocab , Frankenstein

03 December 2012


collect hw for 21-22
vocab 12 list
grammar -- subject complements
TEST grammar Wed. Have notes organized!
Review 21-22

Read 23
questions: hw

30 November 2012


Vocab test 11
grammar: objective complements

ch 20 pic and quote

read through 22 for Monday

29 November 2012

just like that. 18-19.

vocab quizlet of parts of speech
grammar -- indirect objects
Frankenquiz 17
Shrink lit 18-19, summary and quotes

read 20 for hw, finish questions

read through 22 for Monday!!!

28 November 2012

pictafest ch 16

Vocab 1 & 3
Grammar -- Complement notes and DO practice

Frankenpics for 16 -- 1st half and 2nd half

Read 17 for tonight!

27 November 2012


collect hw
Word Tip Tuesday
Grammar review and quiz
Frankenquiz 15 -- open book and booklet
Sparknotes video review

hw: read 16 and answer qs

21 November 2012

Happy Turkey Daze!

Tuesday: no vocab
no grammar
informational reading practice
article from NPR on East v West hard work/struggle = discussion
reading time

hw: read through chapter 13 for Monday, finish questions

19 November 2012

Creature: "Listen to Me!"

no vocab this week
Contructing meaning fom from Informational text p.64
grammar: fragments and run-ons
quiz 9-10
read through 13 for next Monday

16 November 2012


Vocab test 10
Grammar p 24 all

hw: read 8-10, answer questions in Frankenbooklet

14 November 2012

It's Alive!

vocab ex 1 & 3
grammar -- subjects and predicates
ch 5 drawing, discussion, movie clip, theme analysis, literary elements

chapter 6 and questions
for hunters:
chapter 10 for Monday and questions
for long-term hunters:
chapter 13 for after Thanksgiving and questions

13 November 2012

moving right along...

Vocab word tip Tuesday
get new grammar sheets for ch 18
quiz chapter 4
discuss, picture captions
Read ch 5 and answer the Qs in Frankenbooklet

12 November 2012

Here is the audio of Frankenstein on youtube~~



collect hw
Vocab 10 chart and chant
quote quiz -- ch 1-3
review chapters 1-3 with pics, discuss

hw: read chapter 4, complete question, expect a quiz

09 November 2012

Testfest and Frankenread

Vocab and Parts of Speech test

hw: read chapters 2-3, finish questions in Frankenbooklet

08 November 2012

meet Robert Walton

check hw
review Letters 2-3
read letter 4, summarize, connect with pics
vocab puzzle
grammar review p.o.s for test tomo

hw: read chapter 1, answer qs in booklet
vocab 9 test
parts of speech test -- notes ok.

07 November 2012

My hideous progeny

Vocab 1 & 3
Grammar: interjections
Frankenintro -- read a summ of the author's note.
Letter #1 -- Robert Walton, read and listen together -- write a one sentence summary

hw: read letters 2-3 tonight, write one sentence summary in the bookelet for each. We will read 4 tomo.
study vocab
ALL 8 parts of speech test Friday -- NOT vocab parts of speech.

06 November 2012


CNN election show
Vocab word tip Tuesday
Finish Frankenbooklet -- map, questions , codes, pic.
Talk about Gothic and Romantic elements within the story

no hw ~~ except always studying vocab

05 November 2012

Organize, re-group!

Organize folders -- half way through semester!
Vocab 9 chart and chant
grammar -- wrap up conjunctions
make frankenbooklets, character chart, frame story notes

no hw

01 November 2012


Vocab: sentence stems and inferences
Work on paper ~~ due tomorrow

hw: tests -- Vocab -- tomorrow both!
Paper due tomorrow! Remember that the last page is the works cited page, not the annotated bib.

30 October 2012

Homework -- IMPORTANT

vocab word tip Tuesday
prepositions vs. adverbs

lab time: rough draft due tomorrow! 20 points
5 paragraphs, all quotes, works cited page

29 October 2012

Annotated Bibs due!

vocab week 8 words

Turn in annotated bibs

Bonus Jonas time in computer lab -- draft paper!

hw: rough draft due Wed.

28 October 2012

Annotated Bib due tomorrow!

Annotated Bib due tomorrow -- see Yellowy and Greenie for directions

Vocab test

25 October 2012

worka worka!

Vocab puzzle and sentence stems
grammar: wrap up adjectives, begin prepositions

research paper: Yellowy:
review the outline of the paper
review example papers
talk about outlining (if necessary) and rough draft due Wednesday next
annotated bib due tomo.

hw: vocab test tomo, annotated bib due Monday

24 October 2012

work work work

collect hw
vocab ex. 1 & 3
grammar: adverbs
researching time -- work on annotated bib, reading articles

hw: keep researching, work on annotated bib -- due Monday

23 October 2012

adverbz & annotations

word tip Tuesday
adverb practice, quiz
annotated bibliography explanation -- grenie and yellowy

hw: ONE correct MLA annotated citation. (MLA, 2 paragraphs)

adverbz & annotations

word tip Tuesday
adverb practice, quiz
annotated bibliography explanation -- grenie and yellowy

hw: ONE correct MLA annotated citation. (MLA, 2 paragraphs)

19 October 2012

begin researching

2 vocab tests -- regular and parts of speech

time to research

hw: find 3 articles; in at least 2 of the 3, read and annotate with the codes for directed research: BP1, BP2, BP3
Consult Yellowy for details

18 October 2012

Guest speaker!

Mr. Anderson's speech on bio-ethics

hw: study for 2 vocab tests tomorrow -- parts of speech on just this week's vocab and a normal vocab test

fill out "yellowy" where the thesis section is -- subject and AAA

yesterday and such

Adverbs, vocab 6, be ready for part of speech test, directions for research paper -- choose topic by Friday

15 October 2012


ACT reading test overview and hints
ACT reading test 2
vocab 6 words

no hw

11 October 2012

writing #2

Timed writing #2
vocab jeopardy
ACT English wrap up

hw: study for vocab test

10 October 2012


Vocab -- turn in hw, ex 1 & 3
Grammar -- extra help adjectives
ACT writing -- rubric, review examples, write formula options
2nd blk: ACT English finish
4th: Twitter acct: msJWK

no hw

09 October 2012

louder and slower...

Vocab word tip tuesday
Grammar: adj. notes and practice

ACT writing: receive #1 back, review how to make better

hw: vocab handout

08 October 2012

Paper due!

Turn in paper
vocab 5 chart and chant
adjective notes and practice
next 30 in ACT English practice test


04 October 2012

Paper Due Monday!

Verb phrases practice

review rough drafts

Work on papers -- DUE MONDAY!!!

03 October 2012

write! write! write!

Verbs -- verb phrases, notes and practice

Outlines turned in for points
WRITE rough draft -- 4 or 5 paragraphs

hw: finish rough draft for tomo.

02 October 2012

Literary analysis -- same ole, same ole.

handouts for literary analysis

create theme --

start outline for paper

HW: outline due tomorrow, rough draft due Thursday, final paper due Monday

01 October 2012

Test Fest!

Vocab 4 test
Lord of the Flies Test
Review the "halfa" with the questions on it. Choose what you will write your paper on for tomorrow!
Grammar: Transitive and Intransitive verbs review

hw: choose topic for paper. get quotes if you are ambitious and want to be ahead.

27 September 2012

jeopardy craziness!

Vocab jeopardy
verbfest -- transitive and intransitive verbs -- notes and practice
read rest of novel

hw: READ through end of novel
study for vocab test Monday

Spirit Week! Monday: Sports day

26 September 2012

Action/linking verbs!

Vocab ex 1 & 3
Action and Linking verbs -- exercises upon exercises!
Quiz to see if you get it!

Read through end of novel (chapter 12) by Monday
Vocab test Monday ~~ play the games!!!

25 September 2012

Poor poor Simon...

Quiz 9 -- 1 quote
review chapter 9
vocab word tips
verb notes
HW: read ch 10

24 September 2012

catch up discussion

quiz over 7-8
discuss 6-8
Vocab 4 chart and chant

read 9 HW

21 September 2012


vocab test 3

paragraph review
write -- 12 min.
edit -- get greenie
final due Monday -- 1 paragraph, double spaced, MLA style

hw: read through chapter 8, finish paragraph

20 September 2012

literary analysis beginning

collect homework for points
vocab sentence stems
pronoun correct hw
pronoun practice -- from 10th book
literary analysis handouts: 4
review a lit analysis paragraph

hw: vocab test tomorrow
choose one topic for paragraph and one quote from the novel
read through chapter 8 for Monday

19 September 2012


Vocab ex. 1 & 3
Pronoun notes, p 3-4

no reading! catch up if you need to -- Through chpt 6
Study Vocab
2nd blk: finish ex. 2 & 3 on p 4
4th blk: pages 3-4

18 September 2012

quote craze

review of more inference/analyzing tips
ch 5 quote quiz
word tip Tuesday
pronoun notes
read chapter 6 for tomorrow

17 September 2012

Mama says he's BONA FIDE

quiz 4
vocab 3 chart and chant
noun wrap up
discuss chapter 4
read chapter 5

14 September 2012

Friday at last!

Vocab quiz 2
Lord of the Flies quiz 3
Grammar: nouns, p 1-2
LotF notes on charts
read ch 4

hw: finish chapter 4

13 September 2012

Where's the MulberryBirthmarkBoy?

Quiz chapter 2
vocab -- part of speech review/ practice
Lord of the Flies: discuss, fill in chart, read ch 3

hw: read ch 3, vocab test 2 tomorrow!

12 September 2012

Chapter one!

Quiz, chapter 1
Vocab ex 1 & 3
Nouns, notes
Lord of the Flies, discuss chapter 1, fill in chart, read chapter 2

hw: read chapter 2, study vocab

11 September 2012

Lord of the Flies intro

Vocab word tips
2 handouts for LotF
intro to themes, etc
Listen to author intro and chapter 1

hw: finish chapter 1 -- be ready for a quiz
study vocab

10 September 2012

vocabbatest 1

Vocab test 1
Vocab week 2 chart
ACT English test and review, test #2 Questions 1-15
no hw: bring novel tomorrow

07 September 2012

Vocabadabba doooo!

seating chart
vocab -- study discussion -- do something that helps YOU!
Test Monday

06 September 2012

ACT investigate

Vocab 1,3

ACT review sheet

show and tell

hw: vocab test Monday!!!

05 September 2012

Write away!

1. collect "Who are You?"

2. Timed Writing #1 -- baseline info

3. Vocab: word tips

4. Get grammar/vocab folders

5. Get Lord of the Flies novels

6. hw: none.

04 September 2012

First day of School!

1. Syllabus and classroom behavior review 2. Week 1 vocab chart and chant 3. Who are you? sheets 4. hw: get syllabus signed and finish Who Are You sheets

25 January 2012

last of daze...

:-) study if you haven't! If you have, get ready to rock the exam!

hope you've studied!

21 January 2012

what a strange Friday...

1st and 4th
exam review
To be or not to be practice -- Monday speeches!
Act III notes, watch Hamlet movie

exam review
to be or not to be practice
English ACT practice test

18 January 2012

getting serious. Let's BE.

grammar -- participial phrases

to be or not to be speech -- Hamlet.
Memorize first 5 lines for Monday

17 January 2012

Nice weather.

1st and 4th:
grammar notes -- participles
Hamlet ACT I-II

grammar notes -- participles
stories about McKinley
Strategy readings and questions

16 January 2012

What art thou doing?

OK, Phineas and Ferb was said in long ago English and my kids (5 and 3) did not scoff or pitch a paroxysm. You can and will learn Shakespeare, 1st and 4th blocks.

1st and 4th:
vocab test fest
grade grammar hw
act I Hammie

vocab test fest
grade grammar hw/ collect for points
test prep wksht

12 January 2012

Thursday before Snowmagedddddddddddddddon...

1st and 4th:
Vocab sentences... be ready for tests Monday
Hamlet -- Act I notes, watch on video

Vocab sentences... be ready for tests Monday
grammar: finish notes on appositives, finish 9th and 10th worksheet -- finish 11th for homework

11 January 2012

Do NOT pitch a paroxysm! I am trying to blog every day!!!!

1st and 4th:
Vocab ex 1 & 3
Grammar: correct or finish appositives -- 11th grade book
Hamlet intro: act out Act 1 sc 1 tone activity, begin watching

no hw

Vocab ex 1 & 3
Appositives notes, ex 1 9th page
ACT reading practice

no hw

09 January 2012


1st / 4th:
vocab test fest: regular test and parts of speech, Week 14 vocab chart

grammar: notes on appositives, ex 1, 1-15

get ACT scores organized

2nd: speeches

06 January 2012

SORRY! I was home with a puker!!!

I HOPE this is what you did today

lots of vocab, in the form of sentences focusing on part of speech

lots of grammar, the 2 pages in the orange workbook on prep phrases

history of Frankie in Hollywood video (???) Did this happen? Let me know!

1st and 4th: if you didn't turn in your resume, it better be in an email to me.

2nd: get ready for speeches starting MOnday.

05 January 2012

oops! Oh, well. Here's today's blog.

1st and 4th:
Vocab choice: Test Monday AND part of speech test Monday
ACT reading test #2
Grammar: review homework
hw: resume due tomorrow

Vocab puzzle; Test Monday AND part of speech test Monday
grammar: phrases, review hw
speech working time -- order for Friday and Monday in WK's & McKinley's
hw: speeches, vocab

03 January 2012

Welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Vocab 13 ~~ words and tips (HOMEWORK)
grammar: 19.1 notes, adverb phrases, begin ex. 1 on 9th grade paper; finish 9th grade paper ex 1 both sides

1st and 4th:
resume review -- seek and destroy
comp time tomorrow

timed writing #3

01 January 2012

happy new year!!!! let it snow!

Hope you've had a great break!

1st and 4th: don't forget to draft your resumes

2nd: don't forget to organize your speech