25 January 2012

last of daze...

:-) study if you haven't! If you have, get ready to rock the exam!

hope you've studied!

21 January 2012

what a strange Friday...

1st and 4th
exam review
To be or not to be practice -- Monday speeches!
Act III notes, watch Hamlet movie

exam review
to be or not to be practice
English ACT practice test

18 January 2012

getting serious. Let's BE.

grammar -- participial phrases

to be or not to be speech -- Hamlet.
Memorize first 5 lines for Monday

17 January 2012

Nice weather.

1st and 4th:
grammar notes -- participles
Hamlet ACT I-II

grammar notes -- participles
stories about McKinley
Strategy readings and questions

16 January 2012

What art thou doing?

OK, Phineas and Ferb was said in long ago English and my kids (5 and 3) did not scoff or pitch a paroxysm. You can and will learn Shakespeare, 1st and 4th blocks.

1st and 4th:
vocab test fest
grade grammar hw
act I Hammie

vocab test fest
grade grammar hw/ collect for points
test prep wksht

12 January 2012

Thursday before Snowmagedddddddddddddddon...

1st and 4th:
Vocab sentences... be ready for tests Monday
Hamlet -- Act I notes, watch on video

Vocab sentences... be ready for tests Monday
grammar: finish notes on appositives, finish 9th and 10th worksheet -- finish 11th for homework

11 January 2012

Do NOT pitch a paroxysm! I am trying to blog every day!!!!

1st and 4th:
Vocab ex 1 & 3
Grammar: correct or finish appositives -- 11th grade book
Hamlet intro: act out Act 1 sc 1 tone activity, begin watching

no hw

Vocab ex 1 & 3
Appositives notes, ex 1 9th page
ACT reading practice

no hw

09 January 2012


1st / 4th:
vocab test fest: regular test and parts of speech, Week 14 vocab chart

grammar: notes on appositives, ex 1, 1-15

get ACT scores organized

2nd: speeches

06 January 2012

SORRY! I was home with a puker!!!

I HOPE this is what you did today

lots of vocab, in the form of sentences focusing on part of speech

lots of grammar, the 2 pages in the orange workbook on prep phrases

history of Frankie in Hollywood video (???) Did this happen? Let me know!

1st and 4th: if you didn't turn in your resume, it better be in an email to me.

2nd: get ready for speeches starting MOnday.

05 January 2012

oops! Oh, well. Here's today's blog.

1st and 4th:
Vocab choice: Test Monday AND part of speech test Monday
ACT reading test #2
Grammar: review homework
hw: resume due tomorrow

Vocab puzzle; Test Monday AND part of speech test Monday
grammar: phrases, review hw
speech working time -- order for Friday and Monday in WK's & McKinley's
hw: speeches, vocab

03 January 2012

Welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Vocab 13 ~~ words and tips (HOMEWORK)
grammar: 19.1 notes, adverb phrases, begin ex. 1 on 9th grade paper; finish 9th grade paper ex 1 both sides

1st and 4th:
resume review -- seek and destroy
comp time tomorrow

timed writing #3

01 January 2012

happy new year!!!! let it snow!

Hope you've had a great break!

1st and 4th: don't forget to draft your resumes

2nd: don't forget to organize your speech