30 March 2010

30 March 2010

  1. Reading Quiz over ch. 9
  2. Plot summary for Ch. 10 while reading ch. 10 in class
  3. mini discussions on theme
H/W: finish plot summary comics and reading chapter 10.

29 March 2010

29 March 2010

Reading Quiz over ch. 2-5
Quick Write
Discussion of plot
Summarize 6-9

H/W: Read 9 and do reading guide questions

24 March 2010

24 March 2010

  1. Vocab: Week 7 words
  2. Gram: Verbs review
  3. Letters Quiz
  4. Read/Listen to chapter 1

H/W: Nothing! Enjoy sunshine!

23 March 2010

23 March 2010

V: Week 7 Ex 1 and 3
G: Pg. 10 Ex 1 and Writing Application

Finished Mary Shelley Article
Frame story notes

H/W: Read Letter summaries 1-4 and finish paper!
Study for quiz on summaries

22 March 2010

22 March 2010


Vocab: Week 7 words/def
Grammar p. 9
Make Flip Chart
Franken Intro: Mary Shelley


19 March 2010

19 March 2010

Vocab test
Review paper issues, conclusion
works cited V. Annotated bib

LMC time.

h/w: rough draft of works cited due MOnday

17 March 2010

17 March 2010



  1. Vocab: Ex 1 and 3
  2. Gram: pg. 17 and 18 odds at home
  3. Discussed how to write an intro and conlusion
  4. LMC
H/W: Intro and conclusion due tomorrow at the beginning of class
p. 17 and 18

16 March 2010


Vocab Week 6 word clues/pics
Grammar p. 6
Stamped body paragraph 3
Looked at sample of MLA Annotated Bib
LMC: work on final MLA Annotated Bib

H/W: Annotated Bib (5 sources) due tomorrow

12 March 2010

Thesis review
Revise Thesis
Discussed 2nd and 3rd body paragraphs

H/W: Body paragraph 2

08 March 2010

8 March 2010

  1. Discussed similiarities and differences between literary analysis and research paper
  2. Looked at LA Fertility Clinic Article
  3. Finished discussion on Embracing Tech
H/W: write body paragraph 1 for research paper by Friday

05 March 2010

5 March 2010

  1. Vocab week 5 quiz
  2. Discussion of technology/issues
  3. Mrs. Hahn's presentation
H/W: thesis for beginning of class on Monday

04 March 2010

4 March 2010


Vocab: Write a story using all vocab words telephone style
Literary Analysis paragraph review
Went over research paper

H/W: write a second literary analysis paragraph or revise the paragraph for today if stamped in class. 

03 March 2010

3 March 2010

Vocab: act the definitions of words
Writing style 11.11 and 11.12
Literary Analysis
  -forumla for paragraph
  - passed out handout with quotes and themes

H/W: lit analysis paragraph

02 March 2010


2 March 2010
  1. Vocab: Ex 1 & 3, chant words, draw word clues and pics on board and present
  2. Gram: Writing Style and Organization packets 10.5, 10.6, 10.11, 10.12
  3. Analyze quotes from LOTF
H/W: finish analysis of quotes for class

01 March 2010


1 March 2010
  1. Vocab Week 5 words,definitions, part of speech
  2. Organization, Strategy and Style handouts
  3. Quick Write: Why do good people do bad things?
  4. Discussion of entire novel

H/W: word clues/pics and Writing 9.12