30 September 2010

Thursday before Homecoming

Vocab quiz week 3

Lord of the Flies:
quiz chapter 3-4
"We Wear the Mask" poem, questions, and mask

hw: mask, shape, read chapter 5
Enjoy homecoming!

29 September 2010

Back on track! 29 sept

vocab: choice of pics, clues, is/isn't
grammmmmm: watch Verbs! notes and exercizes, p. 5

Lord of the Flies:
notes in booklet, read thru 4 for tomorrow -- expect quiz 3-4

Vocab test tomo

Tuesday, 28th

vocab stems
no grammmmmm

reading time for 3-4 LotF

27 September 2010

Monday, Monday...

Quiz fest: pronouns and ch. 2 Lord of the Flies

Ex. 1 & 3 in vocab week 3. Chant words.

movie fest: Watch beginning of Lord of the Flies

homework for week:
Read ch. 3 for Wed.
Read ch. 4 for Thurs.
Vocab test Thursday

24 September 2010

Finally Friday!

Vocab -- test 2
write down week 3 words

grammar: get "Greenie 2", pronoun test MOnday

Lord of the Flies: REad chapter 2 for Monday

23 September 2010

Thursday, not yet Friday

vocab: pretest for ex cr points
grammar: finish 103-104, epic fail in pronouns

Lord of the Flies: quiz 1, read thru 2 by MOnday

vocab test tomorrow!

22 September 2010

Wenesday the 22nd

Vocab -- sentence stems

2nd hour: seating chart change, turn in "Lucifer Effect"
3rd hour: grades -- get signed for extra credit
finish "Lucifer Effect"

Lord of the Flies (2nd/3rd)
Pink booklet -- introductory notes, draw map
Read chapter 1

hw: finish chapter one -- quiz!; finish sentence stems

21 September 2010

Is it really only Tuesday???

vocab: ex. 1 & 3, word clues
grammmm: p. 103, notes on cases, ex 1

Finish "The Lucifer Effect"

2nd hour: drug dog interruption

Get LotFlies books

hw: finish Lucifer -- 2nd hour

20 September 2010

Monday, again.

grammar: correct and collect pronoun packet

vocab: week 2 words-- defs and parts of speech, 5 words need 5 square

Reading: The Lucifer Effect, discuss

17 September 2010

16 Sept.

Vocab test
grammar: p. 11, notes, ex 1 & 2 all (packet pronouns)

finish ACT test, review answers

hw: p. 12 ex. 1 all , ex 2 choose 3

16 September 2010

16 Sept

no vocab -- study for test tomorrow
correct homework
p. 9 in packets , notes types of pronouns, ex 1 & 2 all
2nd : academic assembly
3rd : nickname ball game

hw: p. 10, ex. 1 all, ex. 2 odds

15 September 2010

Wed. 15th

no vocab
grammar: pronouns, reflexive and intensive, p. 7 notes and exercises

ACT prep: English portion of test A


2nd hour: finish papers!
p. 8 pronouns, ex 1 all, ex. 2 choose 5

14 September 2010

14 Sept

vocab puzzle
grammar: pronouns, p 3 notes and exercises

finish ACT booklet, talk about test

hw: p5-6 odds in pronoun booklet

3rd: Obama Speech

13 September 2010

Monday --13th

Vocab -- finish sentence stems
Grammar: noun test

2nd: paper, rough draft review, greenie notes, cookie cutter paragraph notes
begin ACT booklet, cut paste write

hw: paper due Wed. or Thursday

3rd: Review paper, Reverse outline on back
ACT booklet -- begin making

hw: finish paper

10 September 2010

First Friday

2nd hour:
Vocab: sentence stems, 1-8
grammar: p.2 ex. 1
Greenie -- thesis review, intro, conclusion
Soundtrack essay -- brainstorm, begin writing 4 para.

hw: draft 4 paragraphs, nouns test

3rd hour:
collect homework: 2 paragraphs, 10 pts.
Vocab: sentence stems, 1-8
grammar: p.2 ex. 1
Greenie -- thesis review, intro, conclusion
Soundtrack essay -- review thesis statements if written, write other 2 paragraphs

hw: finish paper -- follow greenie; nouns test

09 September 2010

Thursday, the first of the semester

2nd hour: vocab, 4 square and ex. 1
grammar: notes and video on Nouns, ex. 1 & 2, p. 1
"GREENIE" handed out
hw: finish 4 square vocab

3rd: vocab, ex. 1 & 3
grammar: Nouns, ex. 1 & 2, p. 1
"GREENIE" handed out
Personal essay: A Soundtrack of Your Life -- handout and explanation / brainstorm

hw: At least 2 paragraphs due tomo; we will write the other 2 in class.

08 September 2010

First Wednesday of the first week

2nd hour: syllabus review -- finish
book order $$$
Vocab -- chart and chant

10:45 meeting for KCTC

h/w: who are you and nicknames

3rd hour: Nicknames
Finish show and Tell
book orders
Vocab -- finish chart
Grammar -- Noun video and definitions. ex. 1, 1-5
h/w: sign syll.

07 September 2010

first day!!!

2nd hour:
syllabus / book order
10:00 meeting

3rd hour:
syllabus / book order
vocab -- chant, chart (glue in), list words in notebooks
"Who are You?" handout and nickname with alliteration

h/w: sign syllabus, follow blog