23 March 2015

Red Red Rose!

turn in hw for grammar
Vocab #D, test Friday
Robert Burns == recap facts
re-read "Red Red Rose" -- ex credit opp to memorize by Friday and present in front of class
Read and begin analyzing "To a Mouse"

18 March 2015

Epigram slam

practice vocab -- 6 more words

appositives: note, practice
p 44 ex 1, ex 2 odds

extra credit if you respond to this post!

10 March 2015

resume review

review resume info -- plan week
everything due Friday by 11:59 PM
resume; letter of application; email; voicemail

09 March 2015

change seats!

judged bad resumes
reviewed resume requirements

Evil articles -- read one together; one as homework; personal journal response

02 March 2015

Collect paragraphs/ ACT prep LAST TIME!

collect papers

Brain gymnastics -- writing prompt 10 min. list and intro
reading test -- review question stems and try first chunk -- prose fiction