30 May 2013

lots... resume

grammar -- infinitive phrases
1 speech
resume review -- start template -- SEE RESUME WORKSHEETS LINK ON THE RIGHT

hw: rough draft of resume due Monday

29 May 2013

to infinitive... or not...

Speeches (7)

infinitive notes -- WK

3 handouts for resumes

28 May 2013

Infinitvely speeching :-)

Infinitives -- Mr. Burrows guest speaker

Speeches -- 7

hw: everyone else goes tomo!

24 May 2013


Vocab 13 test


hw: if you haven't given speeches, work on them! If so, you're freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

23 May 2013

Speech beginning

give speeches
vocab puzzle and quizlet-- hw

20 May 2013

wrap up and get ready for the speech!

vocab 13 words
mini quiz on end of novel -- BE READY FOR TEST TOMO!

Speech directions and instructions.
Tues and Wed. computer time
Thursday -- we begin!

hw: study Frankie, begin power point speech planning, study vocab

15 May 2013

Academy performances!

Gerund phrases

Act out 21-22, silently

read thru ending for Monday

Vocab test tomo!

13 May 2013

a tisket, a tasket!

Vocab 12 word tips
grammar: gerundive phrase practice
Quiz 18-20

hw: read 21-22 for Wed.

10 May 2013

vocab and Frankie

Vocab 11 test
get words for Vocab 12 down
discuss 17; finish questions and quotes in pairs
summarize 18-19

hw: READ ch 20 over weekend

07 May 2013

wakey wakey

vocab word tips
participles -- 19.2 -- notes and practice p.47

quote quiz: one from 13 and one from 14

hw: read chapter 15

06 May 2013

Let's review, shall we?

Vocab week 11 words, defs
teacher appreciation cards/notes
review 11-13
collect appositives

hw: read 14

03 May 2013

Grammar on a Friday???

vocab 10 test
Frankenquiz 11-12
notes on Appositives
Appositive practice

hw: appostives and read ch 13

01 May 2013

Frankencomic ch 10

5 statements of plot from ch 10, comic style, 2 quotes = quiz
grammar: wrap up prep phrases, reteach and act out
vocab ex 1

hw: read 11-12 for Friday!