30 November 2011

It is ignoble of you not to do your work!

Vocab ex. 1 ~ finish tips
Grammar~ review 4 page packet

1st & 4th:
Frankenreview 11-17
hw: read 20-21

Research packet ~~ think about your topic! Directions click here!

29 November 2011

28 November 2011

I importune you to READ the novel~

1st and 4th:
vocab 10
grammar: subject & predicate
hw: finish thru 16 for tomo! NO EXCUSES!

vocab 10
grammar: subject & predicate
Frankenwrap-up, TEST tomorrow!
hw: Grammar ex. 1 1-15, ex 2 odds

22 November 2011

Whatcha thankful for?

Grammar midterm test ch. 17

1st and 4th:
read 13-16, 14 is summmmmmmmarized.
answer questions

Frankenfinish the novel! 23-24
answer questions

21 November 2011

parts of speech -- do you know them?

review parts of speech -- test tomorrrrrrrrow!
(don't forget to review antecedents of pronouns! hint hint)

1st & 4th: turn in 8-10
Frankencomicquiz 10
Read 11-12, fill in handout

turn in 17-19
read 20-22, handout has 21 summarized!

18 November 2011

Do not take a hiatus from your reading!

Vocab test 9
Grammar: p 21-22 parts of speech

1st & 4th:
Frankensummary of 6-7, read 8-10, 8-10 questions

2nd: read 17, summ 18-19, handout

hw: READ!

17 November 2011

Hey! Catch up on your reading, eh?

vocab sentence stems -- TEST TOMO!
no grammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1st & 4th:
Frankenreview, read, and catch up
review 1-5 in comic
3-5 quiz
6-7 summary, read 8

Frankencatchup, read, study vocab
thru 16 for tomo.


16 November 2011

Where's WK? I don't know... Where's Perry?

Vocab ex. 1 & 3
Grammar test

1st & 4th:
read thru 5, complete questions

2nd: read summary and follow diretions on "no excuses" schedule

15 November 2011

Vocab game fest!

Hey -- look to your right! Click where it says "Vocab Games" and you will be direected toward Quizlet.com, where Shalayce Everest made vocab review games for us for weeks 1-9. Go there. Play. Learn.

1st & 4th:
vocab: word tip Tuesday
grammar: megareview for test tomo
Franken: quiz 1-2;
read 3-5 for Thursday -- answer the Qs

vocab: word tip Tuesday
grammar: megareview for test tomo
Franken: collect 11Qs as quiz; discuss
Read 12-13, finish Qs.

14 November 2011

Monday Funday!

Vocab 9 words, etc.
grammar: interjections!

1st and 4th:
Frankendiscuss letters 1-4
read 1-2, get 1-5 packet

hw: MUST do packet, 1-2

2nd: Frankenreview ch 10, cartoon in pairs
Read 11, halfa sheet with questions
hw: 11 questions

11 November 2011

Whew! Friday!

Vocab test 8

1st & 4th:
Veterans article
turn in papers
Frankenfinish the intro, read letters 1-4, get handouts
hw: letters 1-4

Frankenquiz 8
Read 9-10, finish questions and quotes

10 November 2011

Snow Globe!

all classes: vocab stems with subordinating conjunctions; coordinating conjunctions

1st & 4th: research reminders, FRankenstein: Shelley's introduction to the novel
hw: paper due tomorrow!

2nd: Frankenstein: quiz chapter 5; summarize 6 & 7, read 8, answer questions

09 November 2011

Glooooomy Grey Wednesday

both classes: Vocab ex 1 & 3, Grammar: conjunctions -- p. 17 & 18

1st and 4th:
editfest -- worka worka on papers!

2nd: turn in Qs for 2-4 (that IS the quiz)
review with graphic novel 2-4
Read 5, complete Qs (hw)

08 November 2011

1st draft of the rough draft... or SPEAKER -- Tuesday

1st & 4th
Vocab tip Tuesday
Research ~~ peer and self editing

Guest Speaker!
HW: read 2-4, answer Qs

07 November 2011

Ryte yo chaff! ~ Monday

1st & 4th:
Vocab 8 words, etc.
Research: write that draft! due tomorrow!!!! computer time

Vocab 8 words, etc\
Conjunctions -- p. 17
Frankenstein: quiz ch 1, review, get ch 2-4 questions; read 2-4 for Wed.

04 November 2011

Get off the Blog and Write your paper!

Vocab 7 test

1st & 4th:
Turn in Annotated Bibliography
Research time -- begin writing paper!
Rough Draft due Tuesday!!!!!

2nd hour:
Frankenstein: read ch 1, answer questions, be ready for quizzzzzzzzz.
Reading schedule handout -- NO EXCUSES!!!

03 November 2011

Get off the table Thursday

vocab sentence stems -- TEST TOMO!
grammar: prepositions p 16

1st / 4th:
Research: computer time, work on Annoted Bibliography -- due tomo, read, research, etc.

2nd: Frankenstein
read letters 2-4, finish letter worksheet

hw: see above

02 November 2011

Wednesday... where's the week going?

1st & 4th:
vocab ex 1 & 3
grammar: prepositions, collect and correct homework. p 15 in orange book
review of outlines, deadlines (annotated bib ~~ Friday!), focus of computer lab time and homework
research, read, take notes, annotate, create MLA, write annotated bibliography, create outline.

vocab ex 1 & 3
grammar: prepositions, collect and correct homework. p 15 in orange book, p 16 for homework
review character sheet, frame story, themes, Gothic & Romantic literature
Read Letter 1, answer a couple of questions about it

hw: p. 16 prepositions, ex 1 & 2

01 November 2011

Tuesday -- prepositions WHAAAAT?

1st & 4th: check hw -- 2 MLA citations
Vocab pics/clues
Grammar: Preposition notes, practice sheet
Research: computer lab time, reading, researching, MLA-ing, annotated bibbing

hw: finish preposition sheet, research -- work on reading all info, completing annotated bib (due Friday)

2nd hr:
Vocab pics/clues
Grammar: Preposition notes, practice sheet
Frankenstein: discussion of Mary Shelley's intro, non-fiction article on MOON, MLA documentation of it, 2 handouts from Frankie

hw: finish prep sheet