31 March 2011

Wednesday, the lastest

turn in paragraph
take test if you were not here Tues.
Watch LotF movie

enjoy break!!!

29 March 2011

Testfest Tuesday

LotF test

Write paragraph




Pargraph due tomorrow.

28 March 2011

Monday Funday!

vocab 6 test
no grammar

LotF: review novel for test tomorrow: 2 bullets per chapter

Yellow sheet: paragraph assignment 2 -- due Wed. click here!

HW: LotF test tomorrow, paragraph due by Wed. STUDY!

25 March 2011

Fun, food, fear

vocab catch up: pics or clues; sentences (stems or originals)

adjectives P. 23

quiz ch. 10 open book summary

HW: read 11-12 of novel (finish)
Vocab test 6 Monday

24 March 2011

after the ice ice baby

Quiz on chp. 9 -- picture quote analysis
Discuss ch 9

vocab (postponed!) pics and clues & sentences tomo! -- Test postponed until Monday

grammar: 9th packet p.21 all

reading HW: read 10 tonight
finish book for Monday
Vocab test Monday

22 March 2011


Feel the love, not the ennui

vocab ex 1 & 3
grammar: p. 22 ex 1 in 9th packet

LotF: collect paragraph for daily points, re-work for "paper" points for Friday, typed MLA style

hw: read ch. 9

21 March 2011


quiz -- ch 8
grammar: adjectives notes, p 11
vocab words, etc. week 6
LotF -- ch. 7 passage of "mob mentality"
Write lit analysis paragraph

hw: finish lit analysis paragraph
NO reading, but you could start ch. 9 if you want!

18 March 2011


Test fest!
vocab 5 and verbs

pass back papers

read 7-8 for Monday

17 March 2011


vocab --
1. sentences -- stems or original
2. pics/ clues for each word
3. test tomo.

Grammar: correct homework. Verb test tomorrow.

LotF: quiz: the guiding questions for the chapter
"We Wear the Mask" poem -- quesitons and draw own mask on back with 3 sentences

read 7-8 for Monday
Vocab and Verb tests tomo.

15 March 2011

change is good.

Lord of the Flies -- quiz 3/4 -- discuss
finish brace map notes of lit analysis paragraph
write lit analysis paragraph in pairs
color code according to notes, turn in

Verb phrases, p. 9 and 10, 1-5 from text

hw: read ch. 5 tonight

14 March 2011

a rough Monday

Vocab week 5, words, defs, pt. of speech

Grammar: Verb phrases

LIterary analysis paragraphs -- brace map notes

hw: read ch. 4 -- expect a quiz on 3-4

11 March 2011

10th and 11th of March

vocab check pics and sentences for points -- test Friday
grammar: review p. 8 verbs
LotF: read ch. 2

Vocab test
no grammmmmmm
LotF quiz 2, discuss
chart completion
begin reading ch 3

hw: finish ch 3 over the weekend! Expect a quiz.

09 March 2011


Quiz -- ch 1

news.good things

vocab pics/clues -- finish tonight

verbs -- 5 sent from the book

ch. 1 LotF -- analyze quote, talk about plot, fill in chart

hw: p.8 verbs all
finish vocab sentences and pics

08 March 2011


collect verb hw
vocab sentences
verbs -- transitive and intrasitive
ch. 1 of Lord of the Flies

Finish ch 1 for homework. Quiz tomorrow

07 March 2011

McKinley asking where's WK?

vocab ex. 1 & 3
Verbs, p. 6 (hw)
Begin Lord of the Flies

hw: finish verbs p.6

04 March 2011

We're baaaaaaaaaack!

good things
get Lord of the Flies books from library/book depository
Week 4 vocab -- words, defs, pt. of speech (expect a part of speech quiz on Friday!)
Verbs -- Action and Linking notes p. 5
watch first 5 minutes of LotF movie

hw: start learning the vocab!