30 April 2010

30 April 2010

Vocab 10 test
Grammar: p. 23
return papers
collect resumes

Tone activity for Hamlet Act I Sc. I
-- pairs

29 April 2010

29 April 2010

Vocab -- finish stems and turn in
extra credit quiz
Grammar: Assessment on words used as different parts of speech - open note

Resume talk

Party for Ms. McClain -- Buena Suerte!!!!

h/w: resume due tomo

28 April 2010

Sentence stems (h/w)

Guest speaker -- Mrs. Loy -- interviewing skills

27 April 2010

27 April 2010

vocab word clues and pics
parts of speech review textbook pg. 399

one speech
resume work: laptop lab

h/w: resume due Friday
rest of grammar sheet

26 April 2010

Vocab 10 words
grammar p. 22 ex. 2

resume handouts -- review
comp lab tomo.

work on resume

h/w: rough draft resume

23 April 2010

23 April 2010

Grammar -- review 8 pts of speech
Vocab 9 test

h/w: finish paper

Go see Grease! (ex. cr)

20 April 2010

20 April 2010

  1. Vocab: word clues and pics
  2. Grammar: p. 17 Ex 1
  3. Close Reading and Annotations on rereading ch. 10
  4. Literary Analysis paragraph
  5. Speech q & a
Literary Analysis paragraph: Who is the true monster? 
Annotated Chap.10
Speeches start Thursday
Grammar Test Thursday

19 April 2010

  1. Vocab week 9 words
  2. Adverbs handout
  3. Reading quiz over Franken 20 and 21
  4. Turn in flip chart themes
  5. Turn in reading guide questions
  6. Discussion of themes
H/W: Read end of novel and finish chapters - skip 22

16 April 2010

16 April 2010

Vocab 8 test
Grammar Hammar: p. 14 adverbs

review 11-16
read chapter 17 with CD
summaries of 18-19

h/w: read 20-21, finish questions

15 April 2010

15 April 2010

  1. Vocab crossword puzzle
  2. Grammar: go over answers for homework and discuss
  3. Finish Literary Analysis parter paragraphs
  4. Read Chapter 16 and complete questions
  5. pull 3 examples of themes from novel and put in flip chart
  6. Discuss speech assignments and pass back papers
H/W: Return registration sheets to Mrs. Reyers
Vocab quiz tomorrow!
CH. 16 and questions
lit analysis paragraphs

14 April 2010


Vocab: Ex 1 and 3
Adverbs p. 13
Partner to work on literary analysis paragraphs

H/W: pg. 27 and 28 odds of grammar handout
read chapters 14-15 and complete questions

13 April 2010

13 April 2010

Vocab 8 pics and word clues
P. 12 grammar 1-25

Quiz ch. 11 Frankie

Literary Analysis paragraphs -- yellow 20 questions. Mark easy ones.
Take notes on Cookie Cutter paragraphs.
Write one with partner -- 2 quotes
Finish first thing tomo.

h/w: P. 10.26 odds, not last sentences
Read ch 12-13 Frankenstein -- finish questions.

12 April 2010

12 April 2010

Welcome back!
Vocab 8 words
p. 11 Grammar-- Adjectives; schoolhouse rocks
Frankenreview -- characters, ch. 1-10, focus on building of monster and Vic's reaction -- ch. 5
update frame story

h/w: ch. 11 Frankenstein -- with questions
p. 10.21 Adjectives -- odds.
ACT info on writing